July 21-27, 2022
The Nippon Gallery at The Nippon Club
145 West 57th Street, 7th Floor, New York
Opening reception: Thursday, July 21, 5:00–7:00pm
これは長さが60分、3チャンネルのビデオインスタレーション作品です。 2018年、金沢21世紀美術館にて、2019年には在オーストリア(ウィーン)日本大使館で個展予定。
Far From Home is a 60 min long, 3-channel video installation. It will be exhibited in 2018 at the 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art in Kanazawa, Japan, and in 2019 at the Embassy of Japan in Vienna, Austria.
製作 / Created by:
Saeri Kiritani
インタビュー / Interviewees:
Purya Alimirzaee, Anita Arakelian, Amoako Boafo, Maximiliano Leon, Mir Sakhi Mohammad, Hussain Mohammadi, Alfred Morina, Maximilian Mucha, Yeon Noh, Linus Daniel Pamp, Hanan Abu Qabita, Jianan Qu, Katarina Scekic, Nour Shantout, Yukiko Tamanoi, Yu Yu
編集 / Editor:
Anthony Umina
字幕 / Subtitles:
Aya Momose
音楽 / Music:
Purya Alimirzaee, Anita Arakelian, Igor Khabarov, Linus Daniel Pamp
ご協力 / Special acknowledgements:
Andrea B. Braidt (Vice Rector of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna), Margit Kornfeld (Manager of Caritas der Erzdiözese Wien), Kirsi Mikkola (Professor of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna), Christoph Rodler (Professor of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna), Ramin Siawash (Afghanistan/English translator), Gerhard Zwettler (former Director of the Magdas Hotel), Dario Solman
「あなたのお名前はなんですか? どこから来ましたか?…あなたの国で一番好きな街はどこですか?…」 など
ウィーンでは、様々な建物や絵画に金色の装飾がなされています。ニューヨークはアール・デコ建築が有名で、ロックフェラー・ センターやクライスラービルなどの建築物には金色の装飾が散りばめられています。そして、私の故郷であり、常に恋しく懐かしく想いを寄せる金沢も金箔で有名な街。三つの都に共通する金色の輝きを意識しながらビデオを作製しました。
Vienna, the golden city, the city of music and art, is one of the most alluring metropolises in the world. People come to Vienna to improve their lives, expand their horizons, and seek new opportunities. Some of them have to overcome a great number of difficulties in order to reach it. Nevertheless, they arrive in Vienna with their dreams and hopes intact.
I started this project when I was an artist-in-residence at the Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna. I interviewed 16 people who all came to Vienna from abroad, including students, refugees and immigrants. They came from Afghanistan, Syria, Iran, Kosovo, Palestine, Ghana, China, Korea, Japan, Germany, Sweden, and Mexico. I asked them about their home countries and wanted to hear them speak in their native tongues. While listening to these interviews, I felt their longing for all the things that they had left behind in their native lands.
I saw connections between Vienna, my current home of New York and my hometown of Kanazawa, Japan. In particular, I noticed that Vienna’s interiors and exteriors overflow with golden ornamental patterns. This reminded me of the famous Kanazawa gold leaf and art deco buildings in New York such as Rockefeller Center, Chrysler Building, etc. This link among 3 cities, the culturally rich golden color, left a strong mark in my mind and inspired this work.
This exhibition was originally planned to open in 2020; however, Covid-19 has spread across the world, and without exception, New York has been hit so hard by coronavirus and the exhibition has been postponed several times. Then the war broke out in Ukraine in this February, the world has been shaken by this event. I pray for peace in Ukraine, thinking about people who have fled Ukraine, who are far from home. It has been over 2 years since originally planned, and I am very pleased to share this work in exhibition in Nippon Club. Far From Home is a 60 min long, 3-channel 3D-sound video installation. It was exhibited in 2018 at the 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art in Kanazawa, Japan, and in 2019 at the Embassy of Japan in Vienna, Austria.
大阪生まれ金沢育ち。1992年サンフランシスコ州立大学リベラルアート卒業、1993年サンフランシスコ・アート・インスティテュート/油絵学科卒業、1997年ペンシルベニア大学大学院油絵科卒業後、ニューヨークに拠点を移し、作家活動を続ける。現在ロンドン大学ゴールドスミス校博士課程在学中。日本クラブ(ニューヨーク/2022年)、在オーストリア日本国大使館広報文化センター(ウィーン/2019年)金沢21世紀美術館(2018年)、スミソニアン・ポートレートギャラリー(ワシントンDC/2013年)、ポストマスター・ギャラリー(ニューヨーク/2013年)、東京都美術館(2012年、2022年)、クロアチア国立美術館(2009年)、ボスニア(旧原爆避難所)美術館ビエンナーレ(2013年)、Exit Art (ニューヨーク/1998−2010年)、Louis A. Meiserギャラリー(ニューヨーク/2009年)、インフォームギャラリー(金沢/2004年、2018年)、 Apex Art (ニューヨーク/2002年)などで個展/グループ展。
Saeri Kiritani was born in Osaka, Japan and grew up in Kanazawa. She received the BA degree at San Francisco State University, BFA at the San Francisco Art Institute, and MFA in painting/mixed media at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, USA, PHD student at Goldsmiths, University of London, UK since 2021. She had numerous international solo and group exhibitions including: Nippon Club Gallery, New York (2022), Japan Information and Cultural Center in Embassy of Japan, Vienna, Austria (2019), 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa, Japan (2018), the Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery in Washington DC.(2013), Postmasters, New York (2013); Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, Tokyo, Japan (2012, 2022); The 2nd Bosnia Biennial of Contemporary Art, Konjic, Bosnia and Herzegovina (2013); Art Gummi, Kanazawa, Japan (2011); Exit Art, New York (1998-2010); Louis A. Meiser Gallery, New York (2009); Croatian Association of Artists Museum, Zagreb, Croatia (2009); Inform Gallery, Kanazawa, Japan (2004); Apex Art, New York (2002) and many other. She lives and works in New York.
後援 / Supported by:
Austrian Embassy Tokyo/Austrian Cultural Forum Tokyo
Goldman Sachs Gives
Mr. Kerry James Marshall
Sony Corporation
St. Dalfour
たかだ法律事務所/TAKADA & Company
The Nippon Gallery at The Nippon Club
145 West 57th Street, 7th Floor, New York, NY 10019
Phone: 212-581-2223
gallery@nipponclub.org | www.nipponclub.org
July 21-27, 2022
Gallery Hours:
10:00am – 6:00pm (M-F)
10:00am – 5:00pm (Sat)
(closed on Sun)